This Tea Instantly Eases The Painful Symptoms Of Menstruation

This Tea Instantly Eases The Painful Symptoms Of Menstruation

The first associations with menstruation for most of the women are painful stomach and bad mood for days. However these symptoms are not with the same intensity for all women, some of them have really hard time while other can easily cope with it. Still we can`t say that there is someone who enjoys in this period.

That is why we decided to present you this excellent tea that will relive you from these symptoms and help you deal with them easier than ever.

The following is what you should do:

All that you will need are 6 dried rosebuds and water. The preparation is the same as the preparation of any kind of tea. Just boil the water and pour it over the rosebuds. Leave the tea for some time in order to cool down then strain it. If you want you can add one teaspoon of honey to it too.

Stir well and enjoy your cup of tea!