Secret Remedy to Wellness, Weight Loss and Diabetes – 6 Reasons to Increase Your Fiber Intake

Secret Remedy to Wellness, Weight Loss and Diabetes – 6 Reasons to Increase Your Fiber Intake

Besides improving digestion and keeping the intestines running smoothly, including more dietary fiber in our diet has other benefits.

Reasons to Increase Your Fiber Intake

Improves Insulin Sensitivities
According to studies, a diet rich in fiber is linked to the reduction of biomarkers that are needed for insulin resistance. Fiber’s anti-inflammatory effect on the body reduces blood levels of C- reactive protein that causes systemic inflammation within the body. And when fiber breaks down in the digestive tract it inhibits the breakdown of fat that the body stores and turns it into free fatty acids, which create insulin resistance in the skeletal muscles of the body. The bottom line here is that increasing fiber drastically improves insulin sensitivities in individuals.

Balances Glucose Levels
A diet high in soluble fiber slows down the digestive process, which slowly breaks down the carbohydrates and releases them into the bloodstream at a slower pace, which keeps balance in glucose levels so less stress is placed on the glucose metabolism process. The metabolism system is able to function the way it supposes to so you are not experiencing hunger sensations when you are not necessary hungry. This also means maintaining a healthier body weight and mass a lot easier.

Helps the Liver Manufacture less Glucose
Consuming fiber daily helps the liver to manufacture less glucose, which also prevent insulin resistance within the body. When the glucose levels in the liver are unbalanced, the other systems in the body begin suffering by creating more insulin resistance issues.

The Stomach Stays Fuller Longer
A diet high in fiber will keep the body feeling fuller for longer amounts of time. This will result in less snacking and in balancing the glucose levels. It will also result in weight loss and balanced hormones. When the body experiences constant hunger issues it is because the hormones are unbalanced and the glucose levels are not where they are supposed to be. This causes moodiness, cravings for high sugary and salty foods, as well as depression.

Allows the Gut to Consume More Calories
The fiber aids in weight loss by changing the beneficial bacteria in the gut. When the beneficial bacteria in the gut increases, the calories we consume feed it and it grows, which means less calories consumed by the body and a much healthier digestive system. This makes losing the unwanted weight less of a challenge.

Fiber Treats, Reverses and May Rid Diabetes
Diabetes affects blood sugar levels within the body. A fiber rich diet stabilizes blood sugar levels, and may also help reverse and rid diabetes. Fiber rich foods keep the stomach fuller longer, which prevents the need for snacking, and which can sometimes cause unstable blood sugar levels.

With all these benefits that fiber can provide it should be included in your every day diet. Eating 25 – 35 grams of fiber every day will keep the body healthy and the systems of the body properly functioning.


Sourced: naturalnews