How to Get Rid of Cellulite Naturally

Almost every woman faces this problem, called cellulite. It is similar to orange peel or to a cottage cheese in texture. It is not surprising why every woman hates this unsightly mark. In addition, every woman who has cellulite says goodbye to wearing shorts because she finds it embarrassing.

There are various factors that contribute to the appearance of this unsightly mark. Some of them are the poor circulation, genetics, poor diet, frequent and extended periods of sitting of standing in one place and finally, hormonal imbalance.

Many cosmetic procedures promise instant results. However, most of them are quite risky and moreover, they can be very expensive. Luckily, there are many natural remedies that you can turn to instead. They are completely safe and very effective. They can reduce the cellulite or even help you get rid of it completely. Keep reading and learn about the best natural remedies that can help you get rid of the cellulite.

1. Self-massage

The self-massage could be a really relaxing and effective way of treating your cellulite. It will help you break up the toxins stored in cellulite and stimulate your blood flow as well. It is recommended to do this massage several times a week after taking a bath. In addition, you can also try myofascial massage or a massage using a foam roller. It releases the fascia from your muscle tissues and it could smooth your skin.

2. Stay well-hydrated

Water plays a huge role in both our well-being and our physical appearance. If you don’t have sufficient amount of water in your body, you could hinder your body`s ability to break down cellulite. If you want to avoid cellulite, keep yourself hydrated.

In addition, by drinking sufficient amounts of water you are also contributing to elimination of toxins. Drinking water promotes better circulation and it flushes away the toxins in the fat cells. When you manage to eventually break down the cellulite, the next step is to flush away the chemical contents that were previously stored. Do this you are again recommended to drink a lot of water.

3. Birch Oil

The use of birch oil is another very popular and effective way of treating cellulite. You can combine it with other essential oils to your preference, such as juniper and rosemary. By doing so you are getting a very effective anti-cellulite moisturizer. You can use it after your Derma rolling treatment or after taking a hot bath.

4. Dry Brush

Another way to get rid of the annoying cellulite is the dry brushing. According to many people this method is the most effective and it will make your cellulite disappear very quickly. Many women noticed visible results after only one month.

The secret of this method is that it opens up the pores and the dead skin cells are removed from it. It eliminates the toxins and cleans the body as well. In addition, you can increase your collagen production and improve your blood circulation with this method. It will simply give a healthier and better-looking skin.

  • Choose a bristled, semi-firm brush
  • The strokes should be firm enough to stimulate the skin but not that hard to damage it
  • On the stomach, brush counter-clockwise. On other areas, brush toward the heart.
5. Diet

In the battle against cellulite, it is also very important to make some changes in your diet. Eating healthy and avoiding carbohydrate and sugars will help you eliminate cellulite and obtain positive results. In is also recommended to increase the fiber intake because it improves digestion. Unsaturated fats are forbidden as well and they should be replaced with healthier variants such as foods rich in Omega-3 fats.

Also, try to include as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Some of the recommended are the dark leafy greens, melons and cucumbers. These, and similar fruits and veggies can help you detoxify your body and thus, get a healthier skin. Finally, lessen the sodium intake to 2300 mg or less.

6. Coffee Scrub

You were probably not familiar with the fact that coffee is one of the most effective home remedies of treating cellulite. In fact, many women experienced positive results and a complete disappearance of cellulite by scrubbing coffee grounds on the affected areas.

All you need to do is to mix coffee ground with water and scrub the area with this mixture for about 10 minutes. If you do this regularly (2 times a week) the results will be visible after a month.

7. Juniper/Rosemary oil

The usage of these two essential oils can help you flush out the toxins trapped in muscle tissues and fat. Moreover, it can help you improve circulation. It is very simple to make your own detoxifying moisturizer. All you need to do is to combine 100 ml of jojoba oil, 30 drops of juniper oil and 30 drops of rosemary oil. You need to apply this mixture on the affected are after using the Derma Roller. Another way of using this mixture is to apply it on your skin after a hot both. In this way you will its strong and detoxing benefits.

8. Derma Roller

The derma roller has been mentioned several times above. Apart from the stretch marks it can be another very effective method of treating cellulite. It can be painful in the sensitive areas, but it is definitely one of the most effective ways of eliminating the marks. Make sure you buy a high-quality Derma roller, which can be expensive but definitely more effective than the cheaper variants.

9. Rose Hip Seed Oil

What makes this oil good for the skin is its content, vitamin A and a lot of fatty acids. It strengthens the skin and it acts as a moisturizer. You can use it with you Derma roller and the results will be inevitable for a short period of time.

10. Better Circulation

The poor circulation is often the main culprit of the nasty cellulite. That is why you need to avoid wearing clothes with tight bands. Apart from giving you a cupcake tummy, it can lead to appearance of cellulite because it inhibits blood flow to hips and thighs, areas where cellulite usually occurs. You also need to stretch prior doing some exercise. Lack of stretching restricts blood flow and it can result with appearance of cellulite.

11. Coconut Oil

This oil is highly beneficial for your health because it can increase the metabolism, it can be used as part of beauty care and also for weight loss. By ingesting a tablespoon of this oil a day, you can improve your overall health and successfully burn fat. Moreover, you can use it as moisturizer after dry brushing. In this way you will keep your skin well-moisturized and healthy.

Sourced: healthierdaily