The state of your health in general can be determined by the texture, the color and the moisture of your tongue. These are some of the essential changes you should look out for.
The tongue is made of a group of muscles that allow you to taste food, swallow it and also allow you to speak. According to the naturopath Laurence Kirk, from the British College of Naturopath and Osteopathy, the tongue is supplied in great amounts of blood vessels, and due to the constant flow of saliva it is always clean and free from harmful bacteria that may form in the mouth cavity. Still, if a person is unwell, the issue causing that can be detected simply by looking at the tongue.
You can tell what is going on inside your body simply by a single glimpse at your tongue. When it is discolored, stiff, swollen or when it has some unusual properties, be careful, because your tongue is trying to tell you something.
Sometimes a certain change in the appearance of your tongue can show you simply that you have a certain vitamin deficiency or you just need to pay a little more attention to your dental hygiene, but sometimes, it can be indicating that there is something serious going on and you need to pay it a medical attention.
The same as in the case of other health indicators, you need to take a closer look at your tongue in the mirror, and then compare what you have seen to these tongue health warnings and know what is normal for you and your mouth. The normal, healthy tongue has pink color and it does not have any imbalances or patches of differing color or texture. This indicates that your body is very well balanced and it functions great.
These are the common changes of the color of your tongue that you need to be aware if:
1. Black Tongue
your tongue has some tiny bumps on its surface, called sometimes ‘hairs’ or papillae. Sometimes, they can become black due to some trapping bacteria or yeast. However, this color and the stains on the papillae can also be a result of consuming some foods or tobacco. Also, very often, the reason for that is the poor oral hygiene. This condition is not dangerous, but it is unsightly and it is often referred to as ‘black hairy tongue’.
Nevertheless, often times, this condition can be a result of using some mouthwashes, antibiotics and other medications. It can also be due to dehydration or great amounts of coffee consumed. This is also the case of the tongues of the heavy smokers. If you deal with this condition, you might feel some kind of metallic taste in your mouth and you may have bad breath. Clean your tongue on a regular basis using a tongue scraper or a soft toothbrush and make sure you teeth are properly brushed and flossed. If this condition is present longer than ten days, it is a sign that you must consult your doctor.
2. Yellow Tongue
this case is also case of trapped bacteria, as the case with the black hairy tongue was. The papillae may become inflamed as a result of breathing through the mouth instead through the nose, dehydration, suffering from a fever or it can be a result of heavy smoking. It can be restored back to normal with a meticulous oral hygiene, which can solve this problem and bring back the normal pink color of your tongue.
3. White Tongue
in some cases, some white spots may appear on the surface of the tongue or a white colored coating. This may have its roots in different causes:
oral thrush – this is candida, which is a yeast infection, and it can be manifested as white sores that appear both on the mucus membrane lining on the mouth and on the tongue. People that suffer from certain immune disorders and denture wearers face bigger risk, as well as the elderly people and the young infants. However, the candida can often be a side effect in some patients who have been taking some really strong antibiotics.
Dehydration – this problem can be really easily and effortlessly be solved by simply drinking greater quantities of water.
Leukoplakia – the leukoplakia is an ailment where there is an extreme growth of cells that causes white patches into the mouth and on the tongue as well. This is usually a case that occurs most frequently after a tongue irritation and it is even more frequent among smokers. Usually, it is not dangerous, but, in some cases, it can also be a precursor to oral cancer, so that is why in case you notice any change, you should immediately seek some medical advice and care.
4. Red or Strawberry Tongue
in case your tongue has turned in a bright shade of red and you also have a fever, you should seek medical care right away.
This condition is also called ‘strawberry tongue’, because the red taste buds become swollen and they give your normally smooth tongue a dotty look, just like the seeds of a strawberry. The reasons for this can be the next ones:
Scarlet fever – this is an infection caused by streptococcus which very often causes strawberry tongue. If you have a high fever and a red tongue at the same time, go and see your doctor right away
Vitamin deficiency – you should watch out on your diet. You should take in greater levels of vitamin B-12 and folic acid. You should do this naturally, through food, or use some supplements, because the deficiency of these substances can cause the reddish appearance of your tongue
Kawasaki disease – the Kawasaki disease (or KD) usually affects children less than five years old, but it can also affect some older children or teenagers. This disorder is manifested by inflammation of the blood vessels throughout the body, as well as by the strawberry tongue alongside a high fever. In case this happens to you, seek medical help.
5. Brown Tongue
even a spot on the tongue that has become brown or darkly discolored can be a sign of a form of skin cancer, also known as melanoma. If you notice changes of this type on your tongue, immediately seek for medical help and advice.
6. Lumps, Bumps or Pain
have you got some tiny sore bumps on your tongue, or do you feel pain in some area of it? This can be caused by one of the following reasons:
- the canker sores can be result of great levels of stress
- the sore tongue can be caused by anemia and / or diabetes
- your tongue might have become sore if it is sensitive, and you are a smoker
- if your taste buds and infected or somehow irritated, the papillae can become swollen and painful
- the scalding is quite often a result of consuming food that is too hot, or if you have bitten your tongue during chewing
- some cracks or tiny cuts can appear on the surface of your tongue as a result of a fungal infection like the oral thrush, and they may also indicate that you have troubles with your sleeping, you sweat more than usual or you are irritable
- according to some women’s claims, in the post-menopause period a burning feeling in the tongue can appear
- drinkers and smokers face oral cancer more often than other people, so if a lump or sore spot is staying more than two weeks on your tongue, you should immediately see a doctor
7. Numbness or Tingling Feeling
if you lack any kind of feeling or sensation on your tongue, then you probably have undergone some sort of damage to your nervous system. This usually happens after some dental procedures such as dental implants, wisdom tooth extraction or root canal work.
The nerves of the stroke sufferers can also be damages quite often, and that leads to numbness of the tongue or a feeling of stinging in it.
Tips For a Healthy Tongue :
- reduce the consumption of alcohol
- quit smoking and the use of other tobacco products
- brush your teeth twice a day and floss them regularly
- eat organic yogurt more often, since it is rich in natural probiotics
- rinse your mouth after every meal
- gargle often, using salt water
never have doubts as to whether you should visit your doctor or not in case you notice some changes in your ability to taste, in case of pain, a burning sensation, swelling of the tongue, difficulties during moving it or some abnormal movements, and do that immediately.
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