Homemade Remedy For Treating Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs And Lungs Problems

Various problems with the lungs such as asthma, bronchitis and the common types of coughing are health problems which many people face with. There are several reasons leading to lung problems but the most usual ones are the infections, allergies, smoking and various other conditions.

We offer you a recipe for homemade remedy which is well known among people and it was prepared in several forms a long ago by our grandmothers. According to many people who have tried it and speak from their own experience, our grandmothers knew what they were doing. This remedy is mainly for asthma and lung problems but also for treating heart diseases.


  • 2 lemons
  • 7 tablespoons of honey
  • 5 liters of water
  • Half a kilogram of unrefined sugar
  • Half a kilogram of onions


First you need to heat the sugar in a metal bowl and stir until it changes its color. Add the chopped onions and fry it a bit and then add the water. Cook everything well and bear in mind that the water should boil on medium heat until one third of the water boils down. Let it sit for a couple of minutes to cool off and then add the honey and the juice from the squeezed lemons. Stir everything well until you get a completely smooth mixture. Then again leave it like that for some time. Take away the onion pieces and store it in a glass bottle.


You need to take this remedy before every meal. The recommended dosage for adults is 1 tablespoon of the drink whereas the recommended dosage for children is 1 teaspoon also prior meals.  Consume the drink until the whole amount is spent.  You can prepare a new mixture and repeat the procedure if needed, in case the lungs are not healed yet.


Before you decide to take this remedy, please make sure that you are not allergic to onions. We want to show our gratitude to the reader who shared her experience and sent us the recipe for the mixture. She consumed this remedy as a child but without knowing that in fact she was allergic to it.

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