Graviola Against Cancer – A Powerful Anticancer Plant

According to many experts, the Annona Muricata, commonly known as graviola, is one of the most potent anticancer plants. This plant is grown in Central and South America, Peru and part of Brazil, but it is especially grown and used in the region of West Africa and North America. This plant has a very pleasant taste, resembling the one of strawberry yogurt, combined with banana and pineapple.

Graviola Against Cancer – A Powerful Anticancer Plant

The gravioala plant doesn’t tolerate temperatures below five degrees, and naturally, it grows in areas with relatively warm winters and high humidity. Its small branches as well as its leaves experience huge damage on low temperature and lose most of its medicinal properties.

According to a recent research, graviola has potent anti-cancer properties.

Moreover, the researchers claim that apart from being able to kill off cancer cells, graviola is even 10,000 times stronger than the drugs normally used in chemotherapy.

Unlike the cytostacics which destroys healthy cells, this amazing plant affects and kills off only the cancerous ones. Laboratory tests have shown that an extract from graviola tree is effective in killing malign cells of 12 types of cancer, including pancreas cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer.

When it comes to treating malign diseases, it is important to note that graviola works on several levels:

  • Destroys the malign cells without adverse effects, such as hair loss, weight loss, and nausea
  • Protects the immune system
  • Establishes the normal operation of the organs
  • Helps to avoid the deadly infection
  • Gives a positive impact on life
  • Restores vital energy

In addition, it is beneficial to the function of the internal organs, effectively fights bacteria, parasites, and fungi, it relieves from depression, it regulates the blood pressure, and it has a calming effect on the nervous system. Among many other things, the South American Indians used graviola for treating arthritis, asthma, and heart diseases.

Apart from the already mentioned anti-cancer properties, the ripe fruits are loaded with phosphorus, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2. However, if graviola is taken in unlimited quantities, it is likely to trigger an atypical form of Parkinson`s disease. The cause for this is the high concentration of a substance linked to certain forms of this disease, known as annonacine.

Recently, in USA there was a research done on cloning graviola, but it proved unsuccessful, as the cloned graviola plant didn’t contain any anti-cancer properties.


There are various ways of including the graviola in your daily diet, with the purpose of maintain proper health and even recovering from serious forms of diseases.

  1. The simplest way is taking a glass of Graviola three times on daily basis.
  • Take 3-4 ml of graviola tincture, two to three times daily
  • Take two capsules of the plant/ one teaspoon of powder, three times a day