Get Rid of Fat Belly And Thick Thighs With This Weight Loss Drink

“Sassy Drink”- that is how this drink is widely known. It is named after its inventor the nutritionist Cynthia Sass. She says that she has been consuming this drink and after only 4 days she lost 3 pounds. You can prepare your own homemade “Sassy Drink” and it will help you remove the fat deposits on your stomach and tights.

Get Rid of Fat Belly and Thick Thighs With This Weight Loss Drink

Recipe of “Sassy Drink”:

  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger root
  • Medium-sized fresh cucumber
  • 8 glasses of water
  • 12 mint leaves
  • 1 medium-sized lemon
Instruction how to prepare it:

First wash the lemons well under running water because most of the lemons that can be found in the stores contain some chemicals. After that cut the lemons in half and again slice the both halves of it. Don’t forget to remove the seeds. Put the slices of lemon (unpeeled) in the water. After that take the cucumber, peel it, cut it in slices and together with the mint leaves put it in the water. Next comes the ginger. Peel it and grate it. Take one teaspoon of it and add it to the water.

Mix together all the ingredients, and leave the mixture in the fridge during the night.

You can start consuming the drink the following day and you will have to do that for 4 days. This amount is only for one day. Each evening you will have to prepare a new fresh drink for the next day. You can strain the mixture but that is optional since you can consume it like that.

It is recommended to combine the 8 glasses of this drink with some diet that will be divided in 5 smaller meals during the day. And if you take up some exercise at the same time you will lose weight quicker than ever.

Sourced: healthyfoodquotes