Forget About Deodorants : Prevent Excessive Sweating Naturally!

Forget About Deodorants  Prevent Excessive Sweating Naturally!

Isn’t it common to see people wearing wet T-shirts despite the normal temperature?

Many people are forced to change their shirts often because they are uncomfortable with the appearance of wet circles under the armpits which is a result of excessive sweating. Another really unpleasant thing regarding excessive sweating is the development of odors as a result of the wet feet. But these are not the only problems that people suffering from excessive sweating have to face, their hands are so wet that it can be felt with a normal handshake.

People with such a problem often tend to bring with them tissues to clean their face because it can become wet in just a minute. Sweating may occur on all the above mentioned regions or focal only on some of them.

Sweating occurs when the body tries to cool down. There are many reasons why excessive sweating occurs. Most often it happens when the outside temperature is high or when the body temperature is elevated. But besides this it also can be a result of intense emotions such as fear, and in adolescence it can be result of the normal hormonal changes. In these cases regular showers and the use of deodorants can`t help much and people need to try something else. The use of certain plants and herbs has been shown to be effective.

One of the herbs that can help reduce excessive sweating is Sage. If you are facing this problem you should drink 1-2 cups sage tea to reduce sweating, but if it`s more excessive you will have to drink 1 liter daily in order for it to be effective.

Due to this beneficial effect that sage has, it`s an ingredient of many herbal crams for excessive sweating combined with some other astringent herbs (walnuts leaves, quince leaves, bark oak…) which collect the pores of the sweat glands. Teas of these plants are also effective when used externally as baths for the regions that are heavily sweating.

Forget About Deodorants  Prevent Excessive Sweating Naturally!1

There are many recipes of teas for external use, here is one for washing the underarm:

In 1dl of boiling water put:

  • 3 tablespoons of chopped young oak bark
  • 2 tablespoons of walnut leaves
  • 1 tablespoon thyme

Mix them all together and let it steer for 10 minutes. Use it to wash the underarm every morning and evening.

Excessive sweating may lead to dehydration, because the body loses a large amount of fluid and electrolytes. To avoid dehydration intake large amount of water together with foods rich of potassium such as tomatoes, bananas and oranges.


Sourced: nutrilover