Dr. Hilton: Get Rid of Vaginal Infections With This Natural Ingredient

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina. It is one of the most common disorders in gynecology. Almost all women experience this disease at some stage of life and it is believed that at least 10% of women have at least one episode of inflammation of the vagina every year. We believe that many of our readers have or have had this problem. The most common symptoms that can be very annoying are itching of the vulva, increased secretion from the vagina with a change of color or odor of the vaginal discharge, pain during intercourse, pain during urination, frequent urination, swelling of the external genital structures, etc.

Dr. Hilton Get Rid of Vaginal Infections With This Natural Ingredient

There are several types of vaginitis and the most common is known as candidiasis infection caused by yeast fungi Candida albicans.

According to Dr. Eileen Hilton, infectious disease specialist from New York, there is a very simple and effective natural way to get rid of the inflammation of the vagina and all the problems connected with this.

The recipe and the instruction are simple: drink a glass of fresh yogurt every day over a longer period of time. The whole recipe consists in a regular consumption of yogurt. The yogurt must contain live acidophilus bacteria cultures, so check the package before purchasing.

Dr. Hilton worked on several researches in which she included women who had recurrent inflammation of the vagina, and in a period of six months one group took a regular daily cup of yogurt and the other group did not. After six months, the number of inflammations of the vagina among the women who consumed yogurt was three times lower compared to the women who did not consume yogurt. The inflammations in women who suffered from it up to three times in six months almost completely vanished with regular yogurt intake. Dr. Hilton recommends that women who have this problem continue with regular use of one cup of yogurt a day.

The acidophilus that is found in most yogurts regulate the flora and treat inflammation. If you want you can make yogurt by yourself if you buy acidophilus cultures that can be found in many health food stores. Otherwise, find an appropriate yogurt in your supermarket.