A Recipe With a Better Effect Than Aspirin: Treats All Diseases

The main ingredient in this recipe is garlic which, as we all know, possesses many healing properties.

Necessary ingredients:
  • 500 grams (17 oz) honey
  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • Little bit of pepper in grains

Peel the garlic cloves and cut them in half – this will help them eject their juice in the jar. Put them in a jar and then add the honey as well. In the end, add the pepper grains.

How to consume it:

When you make the mixture, leave it for 5 days before consuming it. Consume one tablespoon in the morning, on an empty stomach. But, you should make sure to consume one piece of garlic and one grain of pepper with each scoop.

Garlic contains adenosine, which has a very positive effect on blood coagulation.

When garlic is combined with honey and pepper, it can literally prevent all diseases, and even the growth of malignant diseases. Of course, this can only turn out to be true if you consume this remedy regularly.

Black pepper eliminates bacteria from the stomach, improves the process of digestion, which means it is great in preventing bloating and gas occurrences.

This is a great recipe that stimulates the ability of the body to absorb nutrients, especially beta-carotene and vitamin B.

This recipe is also very useful for overweight people since it speeds up the metabolism and burns calories, and thus stimulates the weight loss process.

This healing recipe contains phytochemicals with antioxidant properties which fight off unwanted free radicals in the organism. This way they contribute to the protection of the body and occurrence of cancer.

Furthermore, this recipe prevents water retention in the organism through sweating and urinating.

You can use this mixture both orally and externally.

The combination of garlic juice with honey is a great cure for infections and fungal diseases. And you can also use this remedy as an ointment.

This recipe has been proven effective against the following diseases:
– Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Garlic is known for its ability to lower the blood pressure. According to studies, garlic can lower high blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension by 8%. However, it can also lower high blood pressure in people who do not suffer from it.

– Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

Atherosclerosis is characterized by fat, calcium and cholesterol accumulation on the walls of the arteries. If you do not identify this disease on time it can lead to heart attack and stroke. Eating garlic can reduce the accumulation of these substances in the lining of arteries.

– Against colon cancer and stomach cancer

According to surveys, a regular consumption of garlic can reduce the risk of the abovementioned types of cancer.

A research, conducted in China, showed that men who consumed one clove of garlic on a daily basis had 50% less chances of getting prostate cancer.