A Homemade Syrup That Will Help You To Get Mucus Out Of Your Lungs

Proper function of the lungs is essential for proper breathing. The phlegm in the lungs has the function to protect them from damaging particles, such as dust and pollen.

Phlegm is produced by the phlegm membrane that lines the bronchial passages of the lungs. When the damaging particles reach the lungs, phlegm fights them and expels them in the form of cough.

This condition manifests through excessive coughing that releases greenish-yellow phlegm. It can also cause shortened breath or sore throat. If it is not treated on time, this condition can be dangerous and lead to serious problems.

One of the main causes of excessive phlegm is the common cold. Excess buildup of phlegm can be treated with medicines, inhalation and some types of food.

However, there are several homemade medicines which have been proven to treat excessive mucus. Here is one natural remedy which is considered to be one of the most effective for treating excessive phlegm formation.


  • 1 cup of pure maple syrup
  • 250 ml filtered water
  • 1sliced lemon
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed
  • 1tablespoon sage
  • 1 tablespoon marshmallow root


Combine the water with the maple syrup in a small saucepan. Heat on a medium heat for 10 minutes and then add the remaining ingredients. Heat for 15 more minutes on low heat.

Store the mixture in the fridge and consume 1 tablespoon 3 times per day  until you notice an improvement.