5 Ways to Ignite Your Metabolism (and Lose Weight) After Over-Eating

Ignite Your Metabolism
We’ve all experienced the moments of over-stuffed joy, followed by stomach aches and constipation, but getting back on track should be done as soon as  possible, or we risk the moment of self-indulgence to last for days or weeks.

These 5 easy ways will get your metabolism back into high-gear and will help you recover from a few indulgent days over the holidays.

1First of all, increase your water intake.Drinking pure water, and especially water with lemon, is one of the easiest and fastest ways to detoxify your body from environmental toxins and over-eating. It will keep your body hydrated and your digestive system in full working order. According to a research, drinking more water can help with weight loss and provide a mental boost.

2. Overeating leads to a sluggish metabolism, but there are ways to kick start our metabolism. One of the fastest ways to burn calories in the least amount of time is interval training. All you need is 20 minutes of high intensity interval training (HIIT), three to four times a week to shrink your waistline. Also, always try taking the stairs, park farther away when going shopping, walk more… Moving is a great way to overcome eating too much.

3. Don’t punish yourself for eating too much by starving. This will cause a yo-yo effect in the glucose levels and will result in the body holding onto fat instead of burning it. Instead, eat regularly portioned, healthful meals full of nutrient dense foods.

4. Losing too much sleep can cause your metabolism to slow as it inhibits your brain from releasing a special hormone that tells you when you are full, and in its absence, you are likely to indulge in unhealthy snacking.According to a study from the University of Colorado, losing only a few extra hours of sleep a couple nights in a row can cause weight gain.

5. Adding B vitamins in your diet, especially vitamin B 12, hasbeen shown to reduce weight gain. One of the reasons is because B vitamins provide us with extra energy which allows us to stay active. Other vitamins and minerals that boost energy are Spirulina, an Ayuvedic herb called Ashwaganda, and many more.


Sourced: naturalsociety

