13 Simple Ways To NOT Have Cancer

Cancer is the deadliest disease of the Modern era. Researchers said that in 2012, the number of people who died from cancer is 8.2 million. The more terrifying thing is that experts say that the number might increase even more in the future. The expectations are that the number of people sick with cancer will increase by 70%. But they experts also say that 1/3 of common cancers can be avoided.   So it`s high time for us to start the fight against the cancer and prevent this disease from spreading even more.  Here are some advices about what you can do to avoid cancer and live your life healthy:


  1. Avoid sugary drinks
    Maybe you think that these drinks can only be causers for diabetes and obesity. But they are also known as causers of some types of cancer such as endometrial cancer. They increase the risk for cancer up to 87% because they contribute to weight gain.
  1. Activate your body
    Sitting passively all day can have negative effects on your body and health in general. If in your free time you prefer watching TV or sitting in front of the computer it`s time to change that once forever. Make sure that every hour you get up and walk around for some time because this practice can lower the risk of cancer. Researchers said that sitting all day increases the chances for developing endometrial cancer for 24 %.
  1. Keep your body fit
    Feeling bad and looking unattractive are not the only negative things associated with being obese. It`s really dangerous for your health. The normal body mass index is from 20 to 25.
  1. Consume healthy food
    By eating raw food like fruit and vegetables you will decrease the chances of developing colon cancer. Also grains that are rich with fiber can help in the prevention from cancer.
  1. Avoid red meat as much as possible
    This meat is proven to increase the risk of developing cancer, so avoid eating it no matter how tasty it is. When you plan to grill it marinate your meat it always helps.
  1. Avoid drinking alcohol
    This doesn`t mean not drinking alcohol at all, but you should reduce the amount. By drinking less you will lower the risk of mouth and throat cancer.
  1. Reduce your intake of sodium
    Bigger amount of sodium intake can increase the risk of cancer. You can avoid sodium intake by avoiding foods like meat, bread and some other products that have hidden amount of salt.
  1. Breastfeed your baby
    Breastfeeding is not only good for the babies as we all know, but it is also good for the mother because in can reduce cancer risk.
  1. Don’t take supplements
    Eat the food as it is without any supplements and you will prevent cancer. If you still think that you need some supplement consult a doctor.
  1. Take vitamin D regularly
    Consume vitamin D with food but have in mind that the sun is its biggest source. Spend at least 15 minutes out on the sun every day.
  1. Quit smoking
    Smoking can obviously damage your health. It is said to be a reason for many diseases especially for lung cancer. So the first thing you need to do in order to avoid cancer is to quit smoking.
  1. Turn off the lights before going to sleep
    If you keep your room dark while you are sleeping you will lower the risk of getting breast and ovarian cancer.
  1. Prevent cancer with vaccines
    There are some new vaccines that can protect you from HPV, if you are interested to know more about them you can ask the vaccination authorities.

Change your lifestyle, start practicing things that are healthy and you`ll definitely reduce cancer risk.


Sourced: stethnews