10 Things All Highly Sensitive People Should Remember

Sensitivity intensifies everything, and highly sensitive people (HSP) often feel stepped on, shouted at, and tossed around. They are essentially more attuned to everything, from other people’s emotions to sensory input. According to a research, 15% to 20% of the population is consisted of HSP, which is a pretty significant number. Unfortunately, we’ve often been led to believe that sensitivity is weakness. But it is not a curse or a character defect, quite the contrary.

10 Things All Highly Sensitive People Should Remember

Below are 10 things that HSP should remember:

  1. Artificial stimulants have an intense affect

Artificial stimulants include sugar, caffeine, nicotine, etc. Minimising their use has shown to be helpful.

  1. Drugs and alcohol may prove enticing.

For some people, sensitivity can be unbearably painful, and they take drugs to numb the feelings. But, quitting drugs and alcohol will help you feel better and stay true to yourself.

  1. You’re in good company.

Many artists, writers, musicians, philosophers and teachers are famous for being sensitive.

  1. Being an introvert is OK.

Many highly sensitive people are introverts, but not all of them. Being alone helps introverts refuel. Even though our culture applauds extroversion, there are actually many benefits to being an introvert.

  1. Beware of being overwhelmed.

Sensitive people easily become overwhelmed. But if you honour your needs, you can avoid this. Make sure that you lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

  1. Your environment matters.

Spend time in nature – it makes everything better. Take some time off from loud noises and huge crowds which increase your stress levels.

  1. Careful consumption of media.

Violence and negativity can wreak an emotional havoc on a highly sensitive people. If this happens to you, try to avoid violent movies and TV shows. Also, tread lightly on the Internet and social media. Stick with positive and uplifting things.

  1. Empathy is an amazing quality.

Although it can be painful to feel attuned to people’s suffering, it will allow you to offer insight, form strong bonds with others and comfort those in need. Consider your empathy to be a superpower, and use it for good.

  1. You have the capacity for unlimited joy.

When you feel things more acutely, it applies to the good and the bad emotions. This means that you are capable of extreme feelings of happiness and infinite bliss.

  1. There’s nothing wrong with you.

The chaotic cacophony of the world we live in can be a little difficult to manage for people who are super sensitive, but that doesn’t make the defective. The world needs people like them, because sensitive people are not the ones engendering wars, violence or exploitation.


Sourced: mindbodygreen